Sunday, March 06, 2011

Asam Rom

Duduk jauh di perantauan ni, tetiba saja teringat makanan kesukaan ketika kami di Raub Pahang 1998-2004, Gulai Asam Rom.

GULAI ASAM ROM....resepi rare!!!
Asam rom merupakan masakan yang terkenal di Pahang, terutama di Kuala Tahan, Jerantut. Gulai asam rom diperbuat daripada buah perah atau biji getah yang dijeruk selama lebih kurang satu bulan. Ia dimasak bersama beberapa bahan tertentu seperti buah jambal, daun jambal, terung pipit, terung telunjuk, daun kesing, keladi dan kacang botol. Kunyit hidup pula ditumbuk bersama cili padi bagi menambah rasa pedasnya. Masakan ini hanya boleh ditemui di kawasan Jerantut dan amat terkenal di sebelah Kuala Tahan. Ia menjadi makanan yang amat digemari bagi penduduk di sana, malahan kini ianya semakin terkenal di kalangan pelancong yang berkunjung ke Kuala Tahan.

Rom : ape dia yek....berasal dari buah perah,buah ni tumbuh kat dalam hutan,pokok nye beso cam batang balak..selalu nye ade pada musim panas je..nak buat rom ni..kena yg betul terer je..kalu tak boleh bawa maut..jadi cam cerita sang kelembai pulak..anak nye mati makan buah perah ni..habis dicabut pokok perah..(melalut pulak).buah ni asal nye mabuk...cara buat rom, buah dan isinya lebih kurang buat getah cuma ia bujur je warna kuning coklat.ade juga yg buat rom pakai buah getah tapi kurang power sikit...buah di kupas dan dijemur beberapa hari..utk hilang getah mabuknye..
dah kering ditumbuk plak..hingga keluar minyak sikit..pas tu simpan dlm bekas..dah lama tu baru leh guna..

bahan2 nye:

1.Rom secukupnye..
2.ikan sungai..yg best ikan kelah atau tengas...baung,keli pun sodap ape pun best..daging best gak...kena pulak daging kijang perrggh.
3.kunyit 1 inci
4.daun kesum
5.lada lagi pedas lagi best
6.kalau ade daun daun kunyit ade tumbuh dlm hutan je..
7.garam secukup rasa
8.kalu ade boleh isi petai ke,jering semai ke, terung telunjuk ke, terung anggur ke..utk menambah keenakkan nye..
9.air secukup nye

cara2 membuatnya:
1.tumbuk kunyit, lada n rom tadi..
2.masuk dlm periuk campur terus ngn ikan, semua bahan diatas letak atas api,isi garam secukup rasa..siap

peergggghh...belum cuba belum tau..sape yg tk pernah makan tu cari2 kat pahang terutama sekali sebelah yg disebutkan di atas..


Friday, March 04, 2011

Red Velvet vake

Nak share resepi Red Velvet cake yang disediakan oleh teman semakmal semasa buat post-doc di Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD.

Spencer’s Red Velvet Cupcakes
• 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
• 1 1/2 cups sugar (+ 1 additional cup of sugar if you want to make caramel to drizzle on cupcakes after they cool or drizzle on top of frosted cupcakes)
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 2 teaspoon cocoa powder
• 1 cup vegetable oil, olive oil, coconut oil or softened butter
• 1/2 cups yogurt
• 1 cup buttermilk, room temperature (can use milk with 1 extra teaspoon vinegar if you have no buttermilk)
• 2 large eggs, room temperature
• 2 tablespoons red food coloring (you can also boil beats or rhubarb in water and condense the liquid until you get your own natural food coloring)
• 1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 tablespoon molasses (optional)
• 1 tablespoon brandy (optional)
• Optional spices: 1 teaspoon or to taste of any of the following: ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, and/or cloves

For the Cream Cheese Frosting
Note: (this is for a lot of frosting so if you do not like a lot, only make half the amount):
• 1 pound cream cheese, softened
• 2 sticks butter, softened (if unsalted, add a little salt)
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
• 1 teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
• 2 tablespoons lemon, orange or grapefruit juice
• Freshly roasted pecans or walnuts for garnish (fresh and washed berries can be used for those with nut allergies)


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line 2 (12-cup) muffin pans with cupcake papers.

In a medium mixing bowl, sift together the dry ingredients. In a large bowl gently beat together the wet ingredients a handheld electric mixer or as best you can with a standard whisk. Add the sifted dry ingredients to the wet and mix until smooth and thoroughly combined.

Divide the batter evenly among the cupcake tins about 2/3 filled. Bake in oven for about 20 to 22 minutes, turning the pans once, half way through. Test the cupcakes with a toothpick for doneness. Remove from oven and cool completely before frosting.

For the Cream Cheese Frosting:

In a large mixing bowl, beat all ingredients except the sugar together until smooth. Add the sugar and on low speed, beat until incorporated. Increase the speed to high and mix until very light and fluffy. You can beat by hand, it will just not be as fluffy.

To Finish:

Garnish with either a pecan or walnut, or chopped pecans or walnuts.

Make caramel with optional 1 cup of sugar (melt the sugar over med-low heat until caramel in color while stirring constantly), let cool. Drizzle on tip of cupcakes.

Note: I usually make the caramel first. If I overcook the caramel and make toffee on accident, I will place it on the cupcake when I bake them for a gooey toffee center or top. I then do not drizzle caramel at the end, but just add the frosting and nut.